Icon Design Project
Contest Information
Client Details
Contest Details
We would like an icon for a project. The project is titled 'Project 90'.
This project is concerned with the transition of contractors from old contracts to new contracts. These contractors perform the function of maintaining and repairing fridge equipment in field. The title of 'Project 90' is a bit of a play on words as their Key Performance Indicators are based on the achievement of service figures on or in excess of 90.
We are hoping a talented designer can come up with a fun icon that captures the essence of this project!
Colors of Red and White are consistent with our brand. We would like to avoid the color blue.
Manufacturer, Retailer, and Wholesaler of Food and Beverage
As I studied the contest details, I searched for keywords that would indicate what was most important to the client. It appeared that "contracts", "maintaining and repairing", "fridge equipment", and "red and white" were most relevant. These lead me to believe a red, industrial refrigerator icon would be best.
I began to research pictures of industrial refrigerators to determine the most essential features for an icon design.

After researching, I began to mockup several industrial refrigerators in Adobe Illustrator. The mockups focused on the client's wishes and the most common features of these types of refrigerators.

Winning Icon
Once I had several viable mockups, I decided this icon would best fit the client's needs because it fit the relevant keywords, pertained to their industry, and felt professional.

To start, I interpreted a brief synopsis of what the client wanted. Then, from idea to final design, I developed a solution that would best help the client. This icon was chosen over other submissions as the winning icon.